Thursday, February 12, 2009

Charging System In Telecommunication Network

Supply and operating the telecommunication system equipment is needed very high invests cost. On first step, this cost guaranteed by (operator) telecommunication services provider, then on operational step this cost also to charge to customer that using telecommunication service. Cost to charge to customer usually form as:
  1. Connection cost to network
  2. Equipment rent
  3. Utilization or succeed conversation

Cost connection to charge to costumer because operator side to notice costumer side also have obligation to pay by installments half of invests that already spend for supply equipment.

Rent equipment cost is the cost that charge to customer for equipment used, example rent terminal equipment (operator telecommunication network equipment) or rent cost that connected customer to central so that every moment is ready to use. This cost is constant and confirmed by operator side.

Utilization cost is charge to customer for succeed connection or succeed call. Total this cost is depend on total call, how long the conversation from that calls, and call type (local, trunk, or international).

On competition era such as right now, where the telecommunication service provider is more then one, then to still get to search new costumer the connection cost always to make unclear (to seem very small or none) but truly added to equipment rent cost or utilization. That the end feel by customer relative become very high.